What Is The Best Way To Format A Class?

This year is my first experience with the beta system of GradeCraft. GradeCraft is an online grade system which incorporates the idea of Gamification. Gamification is the use of video game mechanics in something non-video game related. This year two out of my four classes are done through the GradeCraft system; and I have to say I have mixed feelings about this system.

GradeCraft turns what is normally acquiring points for doing an assignment into receiving XP for doing an assignment.  Letter grades are set at a certain XP level and every student starts out with 0 XP points and work their way to the desired grade. The biggest difference between a class based through GradeCraft and a normal class is the freedom to choose your path of success for the class. I would define a ‘normal class’ as a class based through the percent of points you have at the time divided by the points possible at the time. Another component of a normal class is not having the freedom to choose your route for the class; instead you are graded on every assignment given (Exams, Essays, Quizzes, Homework).


For example, In PoliSci 101 we were given 4 different components of gaining points in the class and at some point in the class we were forced to set six ‘Kapital’, which are essentially multipliers, on two different components. Therefore, someone could make their grade in this class more writing based or one could go the standardized testing route. NFL Rules Changes: When Is Football No Longer Football?, by Marc Tracey, goes into detail about if football is still what it used to be. With all these new rule changes such as the ban of ball-carriers lowering their head to break through tackles and the elimination of kick-offs from the Pro Bowl, is making some some people worried that football is going down a dark path and simply isn’t what it used to be back in the day. Football was believed to be a sport about big hits and players being ruthless. This article sparked me with the debate of if a class that is run through a Gamification system such as GradeCraft is superior to a traditional points based class. In my opinion, classes that are run through a system of Gamification are not assessing students to the same level that a normal class does. tumblr_lze5nsQfZ61qjyzzi

I believe that being tested in various components such as writing and standardized testing is much more efficient and superior as compared to the Gamification method. The ability for students to choose which assignments that they want to complete can be very detrimental to students who are poor at staying on top of classes. I can vouch and say that for the first month of classes I was very confused in both of my classes that were using the Gamification systems. I was always unsure on what was optional and what was required. I think that a normal class system assesses students better though the many various ways of testing and best prepares them for the future.


To conclude, I do not think that our education system is not going down the same path that the NFL may be going through. However, I do think that there are some better ways than others to test students in the future and we should always assess every method possible.

1 thought on “What Is The Best Way To Format A Class?

  1. pottscj

    In terms of Menands theories, I’m not sure which one the idea of choosing your grading path would take. It doesn’t really create well-roundedness at all since you can only chose 2 paths (at least in this class, I don’t know if it is different for others). Perhaps this would fall under his theory to weed out the “better” students. Obviously you will be drawn towards what will be easier, in this case it seems like blogging because so many people are doing it. But is that a bad thing? Hard to say. Some of the group projects are interesting but definitely seem like much more work. In terms of grading in relation to classes, I agree that the traditional method is better but, for an entry level freshmen class its not as big of a deal.


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