2 thoughts on “Dream jobs, huh…

  1. gavinuit

    I think your last point is exactly why it’s okay and maybe necessary for people like you to get into politics. Maybe you are right about not being the one to make the hard decision due to being unable to make the hard call, but maybe ethics of conviction still have a place. We can’t leave the government to people that function as machines just weighing human lives like pros and cons. There is a human element that people have to ignore to make decisions like dropping bombs on Japanese cities. Maybe it’s important to keep this human element in politics to make sure all opinions are considered, not just the easy ones. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with lofty goals like being a politician and also being a good person.


    1. jessxl Post author

      HAHAHAH, thank you, Gavin, my white-male doppleganger. You do bring an excellent point to the table; perhaps the human emotion and morality shouldn’t be completely non-existent in political decisions. Machiavellism can be only taken so far before it goes too far… But as we have discussed before, our common goal is hopefully law school…


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