Author Archives: Maddie

Conservatism in Detroit (No Way!)

The Spirit of Detroit sculpture, dressed in a Red Wings’ jersey for the 2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs, embodies what Detroit is all about.

Andrea Joyce, a sports broadcaster who is a woman (worded as she would have it) has covered the U.S. Figure Skating Championships, the P&G Gymnastics Championships, and at least 12 Olympic games.  I learned, at her event on October 30, she earned her degree from the University of Michigan and has ties to the Detroit area.

When asked, what is it with the proud tradition in sports business in Detroit, she responded with “It’s Hockeytown.  You’re in Detroit and sports are so much part of your life.”  Because sports are “so much part of life” in Detroit and have been for years, does this mean that the sports culture in Detroit is conservative or liberal? Continue reading

The Rise of Timbs and the Long Black Bubble Coat

A squirrel on campus finds a way to deal with the cold like a conformist; gaining winter weight.

The latest dumping of snow has definitely brought out the winter gear, including Timberlands and long black bubble coats. Every where I go, I see guys wearing the tan, leather, rugged outdoor boots known as Timberlands, or Timbs. I see women wearing long black bubble coats.  These are the latest trends, and while most people consider themselves individualists, as shown in the Lecture Tools activity on Tuesday, November 18, when the majority of college students dress alike, wearing Timbs and long black bubble coats, it actually classifies us as conformists. Continue reading

Rah, Rah, Sis Boom Bah

Crisler Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan

The sense of pride was prominent on Monday night in Crisler Center when Austin Hatch scored a stirring point. Students, fans, players, and coaches stood for the success of Austin, chills came from the sense of honor in the arena, and tears ran down the faces of some. Overcoming obstacles, such as Austin has, is not a walk in the park and it was this instance, of conquering defeat; that I realized the influence of the Michigan community. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season

Rockefeller Center in December

It might be early for some of you, but the beginning of November is the kick off of the holiday season. The halfway point is Black Friday, which occurs this year on November 28th. One reference on Urban Dictionary defines Black Friday, “should be renamed ‘black eye Friday’ due to the fact that thousands of americans forget the spirit of the holiday season by trampling ppl and giving black eyes while buyin stupid gifts that you didnt even mean to buy from stores who purposely hold sales the same day as everybody else.” While this reference may be irrational and contain a few spelling errors, it is still fairly accurate. Before you build your shopping plans this year, let’s taking a closer look on how Black Friday relates to Thomas Hobbes’ book, Leviathan, in his “State of Nature” theory.  Continue reading

Empty Student Section, Empty AD Solutions

Baby Crying After Being Elated

Michigan State University has been recently criticized for the amount of student ticket holders leaving the football games. This past Saturday’s matchup, in East Lansing versus Nebraska, was a highly publicized event, both teams had a similar record and the game was important for the B1G conference. MSU was leading by a whopping 24 points through the end of the third quarter. Many fans left due to the rainy and cold weather, and also because MSU was leading by a large margin. The fourth quarter came along and Nebraska scored enough points to make the Spartans start crying like babies.

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