Author Archives: sicho2014

The violence in Ferguson must end.

This is a picture scripted from the The protesters must keep the protest in peaceful environment. 

A few months ago, the story that a cop shot a black teenage boy shocked the world and brought up racial debates into the national discourse. Once it was disclosed to the public, people in Ferguson has gathered and demanded the police a justice. In the street, they shouted, “What do we want? Justice.” Three months later, the swelled crowds confronted an injustice of their own definition. The grand jury has made a decision to exonerate the white police officer Darren Wilson of any charges inflicted on him after his shooting of a black teenager on a street in Ferguson. Continue reading

The bold action taken by Clif Bar

This is the founder of Clif Bar, Gary Erikson.

Launched in 1992, the rise of Clif Bar began when Gary Erikson, the founder of Clif Bar, realized the necessity of healthy, appetizing bar that can enhance wilderness adventure experiences. This revelation came from his own experience of swallowing hard-to-digest bar when he took one-day bicycle ride in 1990. Since that day, Mr. Erikson has endeavored to make satisfactory bars for athletes, and his company has served its purpose for more than two decades. In this spirit, this organization has sponsored athletes who embrace athletic experience and want to share it with others, philanthropy which has been praised for a long time. Continue reading

Can U.S. and Chinese governments keep their promises?

This is an image from the New York Times. Hopefully, Mr. Xi and Mr. Obama can stay close as this for the next two years.

Few days ago, the U.S. and Chinese governments have announced their agreement on the climate deal of curbing Carbon emission. President Obama pledged that the U.S. government will reduce greenhouse gas emission by at least 26 percent below its 2005 levels until 2025. In response to this, Mr. Xi, the president of China, promised that the Chinese government will set 2030 as the peak of Carbon emissions and increase consumption of the renewable energy. Continue reading

Is Baseball still the American Pastime?

Elysian Field, where the first organized baseball was played.

It is my intention to discuss about whether baseball is still the American pastime or has lost its luster and become too general. In doing so, I will delve into the rise of one of the contemporary American sports, baseball, and explore its embedded values which align with what people of Stars and Stripes hold dearly. To start, one thing has to be stated. Our focus is not to be laid on the intervention of the American government or its business to this game nor does this reflect my opinion of whether they had good or bad impacts on the development and the rise of the baseball.

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What Park Geun Hye could have done as a leader

This is the picture of the sunken ferry-boat called Sewol from “”. The ship capsized on April 16th, 2014. And on that day, roughly three hundred people were trapped in the ship.

On April 16th 2014, many Koreans were appalled to find out that a ferry-boat named Sewol capsized while crossing an ocean near Jindo Island. The ferry-boat carried 476 passengers, many of whom were high school students going on a field trip to Jeju Island. Initially, the media reported that most passengers were rescued. But, every hour, the news proved to be wrong. On that night, the government officials announced that more than three hundred people were still trapped in that sunken ship. This was the worst accident since the collapse of the Sampoong Department Store in 1995, which killed 501 people.

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Xi Jinping: A Leader Machiavelli Would Disapprove of

Xi Jinping, the current president of China, has announced that Hong Kong’s citizens will only vote on Chinese government approved candidates for the Chief Executive.

Recently, the Chinese government and Xi Jinping, its president, have announced that Hong Kong’s citizens will have to elect chief executive candidates selected by the government rather than those selected by the people of this city. This decision breaks a promise that Hong Kong’s citizens will be able to choose their own leader in 2017. Mr.Xi explains that allowing such freedom to Hong Kong’s citizens will lure the mainland Chinese for the same treatment, and this could arouse chaos in the society’s order. Societal disorder, he believes, is something China really has to avoid for its growing economy at any cost. In some sense, it seems that he has made a tough decision for the good of the society, but a question remains. Does Mr.Xi’s decision demonstrate a successful leadership?

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