Tag Archives: Alcohol

Monkey See, Monkey Do

After recently reading some of John Stuart Mills On Liberty, I found that some of the concepts that he discussed are applicable to the everyday life of the American college student, which is interesting to me because I am one of these American college students. Particularly I’d like to focus on Mill’s ideas about conformity.

Conformity leads to this

Conformity leads to a lack of individualism

According to Mill, conformity in itself isn’t a problem. However, once people start to conform without thinking about what they are conforming to and instead conform for the sake of custom, it is a problem. In Mill’s words they have no need for any faculties other than “the ape-like one of imitation”. This demonstrates Mill’s belief that people need to think about the choices they make, and make these choices based upon the conclusions that they come to themselves. They can use previous knowledge and experience in their decisions, however, the final decision has to come from their own judgement.

I have found that college students are especially vulnerable when it comes to conformity. Students have a tendency to do whatever they can in order to fit in and be cool. This predisposition towards conformity can lead to students trying new things that they have never tried before, in an effort to conform, such as drinking alcohol. Continue reading

BEER PONG (Best Exhibition of Established Rules in Playing One Notorious Game)

“Heroes are made one cup at a time”

Beer Pong.It’s the most common drinking game found at any party. With people, a table, and just a bit of intoxication, this renown game seizes the nightlight and ‘raises the roof’ of the party. But as the game progresses, how does its participants and spectators abide by the rules while intoxicated? Shouldn’t the lines become blurred and rules ignored as alcohol decreases the sense of judgment? Maybe perhaps, playing the game surpasses the limit of sound judgment and absolutely isolates the player into a whole separate from that of reality.

This in itself is both exciting and frightening regarding society’s inner workings.  Continue reading