Tag Archives: Thanksgiving

Let’s Talk Turkey!

Guess what time it is! Thanksgiving Time!

The Classic “First Thanksgiving” Image doesn’t look too different from Thanksgiving now but there definitely is something different to it!

It is arguably the most American holiday -no religious ties, no prejudice, just plain old fun, food, and festivity. But what made it so popular? So widely accepted? So distinctively American? It is simply astounding how a simple harvest dinner in 1621 with the Pilgrims and Native Americans has become possibly the biggest national holiday. Although we’ve certainly deviated from the original Thanksgiving, who’s to say that these changes weren’t for the good, more practical side of things? The little changes we made in history gave us this festive holiday today, one might even go as far as to calling these changes as Burkean changes. But what is most interesting, is the social contract we make with national holidays “not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born” (Burke). Continue reading